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Helping people articulate stories that need to be told

Sugar Daddy Diaries book cover
This Girl Ran book cover
Screw The Fairy Tale cover one page_edit

I believe it’s my calling to help people tell their story.


After a 15-year career in journalism, during which I wrote three of my own books, then a six-year stint running my own PR agency, the urge to do something worthwhile grew. In all my three career strands, the common denominator has been developing and articulating stories, and I realised I can put this to greater good by making worthwhile messages get heard. 


That's what I'm here to help you do


Words create movements. Rhetoric changes politics. Terminology determines legal rulings.


Language is the unique tool of humans. Our ability to communicate emotions, commands, and reason is what enabled civilisation, and made humans dominant.


This is why writing matters.​


Chris Styles, Founder of Human Futurology

"Helen is brilliant at taking the convoluted complexity of your thoughts and words and turning them into a simple, easy to understand narrative that sticks in the mind of your reader because she has helped make your story incredibly interesting and personally relatable. She is a gifted writer with an incredible work ethic, and she quickly grasps what you are trying to achieve. Using her “let’s keep this simple” superpower, Helen trims away all possible points that might create confusion in the mind of your reader and this helps keep your story crisp and on point."


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